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Oh my goodness, oh my gosh;
Who is here 'twixt Jim and Josh?

Who's between these two?

willy (names carved in top of wall)
A new word for you (maybe): "HAUNCHING" (also sometimes called flaunching). That's the waterproof cement capping around a chimney pot or (as here) the top of a wall to protect it from the weather. Here the haunching also beds in the vertical stones topping the wall. Those scallywags Jim, Willy and Josh (and quite a few others!) just couldn't resist leaving their mark here in the setting cement...
 Wet cement's great, isn't it.... Wet cement's great, isn't it....
The roof of the sewage works, that you look down on just a little further up from Jim + Josh, is an example of a "green roof" established long before the term - or even the idea - really caught on. In early summer the grassy roof is dotted with wild orchids (so long as the council workers don't mow them down, as they have done at times in the past!)
Continue to top of hill; turn right at "... the Good"