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A relatively new addition
Making home for old tradition.

what are crossed above the door?

oars (above swanage sea rowing club)
Opened in December 2013, the Swanage Sea Rowing Club (SSRC) clubhouse replaced a temporary, poly-tunnel like cover just opposite the current site. The new building provides secure storage for the rowing boats (gigs), exercise and practice equipment, a training venue, and a space that can be used by other groups - and even wedding and christening receptions!
 Swanage Sea Rowing Club. Swanage Sea Rowing Club.
The SSRC continues the long tradition of gig rowing: the original boats that would take pilots - skilled local navigators - out to inbound ships to ensure safe passage to harbour - for a fee! The gigs were also involved in life saving and salvage work - anything that needed a fast response. Today gigs are used for recreation and sport rather than commercially, and clubs around the country (and overseas) meet regularly for competitive racing - sometimes in Swanage bay. Junior, adult or senior; male or female - the club welcomes new members and has a full diary of activities for all abilities. To find out more, click here or drop in at the clubhouse!
To bottom of hill, then right to end of road. Bear right E. 30m up hill