Click on a map pointer, use the answer numbers above, or click the directions at bottom of page to navigate...
To reach this island, cross the flow;
It could be a dodgy way to go!
What whole island can you see from here?
Anton's (traffic island name)
OK, confession time. I have
absolutely no idea who Anton was, or why this traffic island is named (unofficially, presumably) after him. Googling returns no clue whatsoever, and (with apologies to Anton) I don't know of a local Anton who might warrant an island. Is he one of the council gardeners, or was he a town planner? Or is this a memorial to someone, or did Anton just really like sitting outside the pub watching the cars go by? If you know the answer, please do let me know via the
Contact form.
Backtrack to crossing; cross over, turn left and follow Institute Road.
N. 120m to Mowlem Lane